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Insurance Conferences

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07-Oct-2008 to 08-Oct-2008
Published Rate: USD 980.00-1480.00

2007 and 2008 have been detrimental years in terms of the number of claims the insurance industry had to face, from natural catastrophes, acts of terrorism etc. There is therefore an urgent need to look at how to keep your customers whilst managing claims effectively, quickly whilst keeping an eye o...  [READ MORE]
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09-Oct-2008 to 10-Oct-2008
Published Rate: USD 980.00-1480.00

The threat of terrorism is evident in the everyday landscape of people and businesses today. With the face of terrorism evolving and changing so rapidly, and with countries facing serious political risk challenges, the insurance industry has to be on its toes to ensure they meet these needs whilst a...  [READ MORE]
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14-Oct-2008 to 16-Oct-2008
Published Rate: USD 2499.00

The Middle East Investors summit is where the region's investors will come together to discover how sophisticated professional investors are adapting their strategies to protect themselves and to take advantage of the volatility in world markets.
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New Delhi   
24-Oct-2008 to 25-Oct-2008
Published Rate: INR 25.00

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27-Oct-2008 to 28-Oct-2008
Published Rate: USD 2199.75-2719.50

This is the ninth edition of this conference, which this year explores “Effective Strategies for Successfully Litigating or Defending Claims”, providing you with the required tools to litigate, defend and manage disability insurance claims. You will hear from plaintiff lawyers, defence lawyers, insu...  [READ MORE]
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31-Oct-2008 to 01-Nov-2008
Published Rate: INR 500.00

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06-Nov-2008 to 07-Nov-2008
Published Rate: USD 980.00-1480.00

Pensions are big issues in Asia with the ageing population being a common theme in most of the markets. There’s need for pension reforms to meet the challenges and needs of the ageing population living longer, reducing the burden on governments and the younger generation, and increasing the benefits...  [READ MORE]
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