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Conference Details:
Maximising Retail Revenue
Price : USD 1999.00

Sun 20-Jan-2008
How Maximising Retail Revenue will benefit you and your company: Enormous growth seen in the Middle East retail industry, especially due to the steady increase of population and tourism in the last few years, has resulted in an influx of international retail brands throughout the Middle East. This means that there isn’t just one mall anymore, there aren’t just a handful of fashion brands, there isn’t one place to eat and there isn’t just one place to buy electronics or buy perfume – consumers in the Middle East have a choice. This boom in direct retail competition has meant that it is more urgent than ever for those in retail operations to improve their in-store operations and management in order to increase their market share, satisfy their customers, attract new ones, and maximize their retail revenue. While there are many exhibitions and trade shows in the market which broadly discuss retailing, retail operations lack a platform to discuss and discover new ideas in retail operations - targeted directly at their issues and challenges. The need to streamline you retail operations is intensifying... Can you guarantee that you can remain competitive when the competition is lowering costs and increasing productivity with powerful new retail operations techniques and strategies?

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