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Conference Details:
Photo Imaging X-Change 2007
Price : SGD 190.00 - 750.00

Thu 01-Nov-2007
The conference program is divided into 4 tracks that run concurrently for 3 days. To ensure that conference attendees get the most from this event, we offer you the flexibility of switching tracks. RED: Professional Photographers From taking perfect wedding pictures to the panoramic views offered by Laurie Gilbert's eye in the sky, this track spans a spectrum of topics and offers a look at photographic collections that can be described as both extraordinary and spectacular. GREEN: Amateur Photographers New to photography? No matter. Inspirational speakers like Bryan Peterson, Mathieu Meur and Kris LeBoutillier will show you how you can master the art of photography while enjoying every minute of it. Take this fun-filled way to realize your potential as a professional! BLUE: Cinematography & Videography Enthusiasts Fancy making your own movie? Or simply memorializing your travel experiences? This is the place to be. Leading brands like Apple and Adobe will lead you through the processes of framing, shooting, editing and storing your clips so that you take home the memory of a life time. PURPLE: Imaging Solutions Optimizing. Blending. Sharpening. Masking. Conversion. Printing. These digital imaging techniques can pose tricky challenges to the uninitiated. Let John Cosgrove , Dominique James and Chris Yap weave their magic and help you turn even the most ordinary print into a masterpiece.

How it works:

Step 1: Register or Login, Step 2: Make a bid, Step 3: Receive an Answer when YOU want it

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