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Conference Details:
International Contract Law Symposium
Price : SGD 2495.00 - 3195.00

Mon 03-Mar-2008
In current parlance, there are many legal implications and complexities associated with Contract Law. The on sought of globalization has brought about many cross-border transactions, which coupled with an increase in deals both in buying and selling has brought about demand for legal and contract managers to increase their knowledge about evolving issues within contract law, especially regarding updates on current legislations and international contract law across the Asean region. Informa Finance’s International Contract Law Symposium 2008 is the first event in Asia that will feature prevailing key issues such as cross border arbitration, dispute resolution, use of ecommerce and other important issues affecting in house counsels, contract managers, and others. Additionally, delegates will also have the option of choosing between three streams on insurance law, shipping law and negotiating and drafting IT outsourcing contracts.

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