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Price: SGD 1695.00-4895.00
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21-Jan-2008 to 24-Jan-2008
Asia Pacific Low Cost Airline Congress is the annual forum bringing together airlines, civil aviation authorities, airports, solution providers, industry experts, strategic decision makers and hands-on managers from the aviation industry all across Asia to meet, discuss and explore ways to push the boundaries of low cost carriers.
Price: USD 2545.00
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13-Feb-2008 to 14-Feb-2008
Shaping India’s Air and Space Power in the 21st Century.
Inaugurated by Marshall of the Air Force, Arjan Singh, the event will feature high-level briefings from a host of senior Indian and international officials including Air Chief Marshall Fali Homi Major, Chief of the Air Staff, Indian Air Force.
Price: SGD 50.00
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19-Feb-2008 to 24-Feb-2008
Singapore Airshow is Asia's largest aerospace and defence exhibition and conference. It ranks among the top three air shows in the world and serves as a global marketplace and networking platform for the civil aviation and military community.


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